Name and Objectives

Section 1

The name of this organization shall be the Cedar Grove Civic Association, Inc.also referred to as “CGCA ” and the “Association. ‘

Section 2

The objectives of CGCA are to:

a.      foster pride in the neighborhood(s).

b.     work for the improvement of the neighborhoods, to seek safe attractive and healthful conditions for living, working, and raising families.

c.      maintain and improve our land, home, sidewalks, and streets.

d.     alert public officials to the needs of the neighborhoods: to cooperate with them in securing adequate public service for the neighborhoods.

e.      Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the Association is also organized for charitable purposes.


Section 3

This organization shall remain non-partisan in politics. It shall neither sponsor nor endorse any candidate for public office. It may, however, make known its view on issues concerning the neighborhoods and support or oppose legislation affecting the general welfare of its areas.



Section 1

Any person residing, owning property, or doing business within the generhl boundaries of the Association is eligible for membership.

Section 2

Any eligible business may become a member in good standing by paying annual dues for the period of September 1 to August 31. Each individual or representative hoeseheld—member, or business member, is entitled to one vote.

Section 3

The general boundaries of the Association are Ashmont Street from Neponset Avenue to Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester Avenue running from Ashmont Street to Richmond Street, all areas from Richmond Street and Adams Street over to and including the Neponset river, up to and including the area of Ashmont and Neponset Streets.

Individuals living outside the general boundaries of the Association may become non-voting members.

Section 4

Only members in good standing shall have the right to vote or hold office. Members joining the Association for the first time shall only have the right to vote, 30 days after receipt of initial payment of dues by the Association.

Section 5

No member holding public office shall be an officer.



Section 1

The regular meeting will be on the first Tuesday of each month except July and August. For good cause the Executive Board may change the date of a regular meeting.

The agenda of the regular meeting will be determined by the E-Board and published in the monthly newsletter.

The order of the agenda will follow what is presented in the newsletter unless a motion is made to change the order during the monthly membership meeting.

Section 2

Special Meetings may be called by the President when necessary. The quorum at any meeting

Section 3

The quorum at any meeting of the regular membership shall be 10% of the current membership in good standing. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President and be presented with an agenda which any E- Board member can add to.

Section 4

The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President and be presented with an agenda which any E- Board member can add to. Before business is conducted, the order of the agenda will be voted on.

Before business is conducted, the order of the agenda will be voted on.

At least one E-Board meeting shall precede each monthly membership meeting in order to set the monthly membership meeting agenda. This meeting will occur timely enough to include the set agenda in the Cedar Line newsletter which is mailed out in advance of the monthly membership meeting.

In addition to setting the monthly membership meeting agenda, the first E­Board meeting of the newly ratified E-Board shall be charged with setting the annual calendar and naming the committee chairperson for each standing and ad-hoc committee established at that time.

Other objectives of an E-Board meeting are; to receive reports from standing and ad-hoc committees, and to vote on recommendations to be presented at the monthly membership meeting.
The quorum for the Executive Board shall be 7 members.

Section 5

The Association’s Annual Meeting shall be held each year on the first Tuesday in June, or no later than four (4) months after the of the Association’s fiscal
year. (May 31)


Officers and Duties

Section 1

The officers of the E-Board shall consist of an Honorary Chairman, President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Membership Secretary.

Section 2

The immediate past president may serve as the Honorary Chairman of the Executive Board and serve in an advisory capacity. The President shall preside at all meetings. He/she shall be bound by these by­laws and see to it that the by-laws of the Association are obeyed and executed. He/she shall appoint the chairperson of all committees. He/she may make payments on behalf of the Association. In case of a tie vote on any issue except elections, he/she shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 3

The President shall preside at all meetings. He/she shall be bound by these by­laws and see to it that the by-laws of the Association are obeyed and executed. He/she shall appoint the chairperson of all committees. He/she may make payments on behalf of the Association. In case of a tie vote on any issue except elections, he/she shall cast the deciding vote. The Vice-President shall assist the President in all proceedings and, in absence of the President or the President’s refusal to serve, he/she shall assume the Chair and perform all of the duties of the President including meeting arrangements, speakers, and logistics.

Section 4

The Vice-President shall assist the President in all proceedings and, in absence of the President or the President’s refusal to serve, he/she shall assume the Chair and perform all of the duties of the President including meeting arrangements, speakers, and logistics. The Vice-President shall be expected to chair at least one committee and assist other chairs in their respective duties as directed by the President.

The Vice-President shall be expected to chair at least one committee and assist other chairs in their respective duties as directed by the President. The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Association and give

Section 5

The Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the Association and give receipt for same; he/she shall deposit all monies received in a bank designated by the Association, and make payments on behalf of the Association. He/she shall, when requested by the Executive Board, tum all paid vouchers over to them for verification. He/she shall keep a correct account of all income received and expenses according to present day bookkeeping standards. At the close of his/her term of office, he/she shall transfer all money, vouchers, and papers belonging to the Association to his/her successor in office. The Treasurer shall make monthly reports to the E-Board upon requests and a report at the 1st meeting of the new fiscal year. The Recording Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all proceedings of the E- Board and monthly membership meetings. He/she shall prepare a report of the E-Board minutes for

Section 6

The Recording Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all proceedings of the E- Board and monthly membership meetings. He/she shall prepare a report of the E-Board minutes for presentation at the monthly membership meeting for approval by the membership.

At the close of his/her office, he/she shall transfer all books, records, and papers belonging to the Association over to his/her successor in office.

Section 7

The Corresponding Secretary shall carry out all correspondence of the Association.

He/she shall prepare a report for the monthly E-Board and membership meetings of all correspondences sent and received on behalf of the Association since the last E-Board or general assembly meeting. At

At the close of his/her office, he/she shall transfer all books, records, and papers belonging to the Association to his/her successor in office. The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for collecting dues for transfer to the treasurer, soliciting new memberships, and distributing ballots to members in good standing when needed.

Section 8

The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for collecting dues for transfer to the treasurer, soliciting new memberships, and distributing ballots to members in good standing when needed.The Membership Secretary shall serve as the Chairperson of the Membership Committee.

The Membership Secretary shall serve as the Chairperson of the Membership Committee. The Executive Board shall consist of the

Section 9

The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and up to 15 additional members in good standing. The members at large shall be ratified by the Association at a regular meeting. The Executive Board shall establish policies for its operation and said policies may be ratified by the membership. The Executive Board may make recommendations to the membership and may act for the membership when the Association is not in session. These actions shall be reported at the next general assembly meeting. The Executive Board may authorize expenditures for normal Association operations. These expenditures shall not exceed $200.00 each.

Section 10

All Officers and E-Board members are expected to attend E-Board and general monthly meetings and serve on at least one committee.


Time and Manner of Elections

Section 1

Election of Officers shall be held in June of each year, or at another day designated by the Executive Board for good cause, within the same calendar year.

Section 2

a. A Nominating Committee appointed by the President shall present. A Nominating Committee appointed by the President shall present a listing of the proposed slate of officers; members shall either register their approval of the proposed officers or recommend additional nominations.b. Where no additional nominees are made for a particular office, the proposed officers shall be considered elected once the secretary casts one

b. Where no additional nominees are made for a particular office, the proposed officers shall be considered elected once the secretary casts one vote for the slate.

c. Where three or more nominations are made, a primary election shall be held to reduce the candidates to two individuals for any one particular office.

d. After the primary election for each office, the final election for that office shall be held immediately. Candidates defeated in a primary or final election for a particular office, may be nominated again for another office.

e. Elections shall be held in the following order: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Corresponding and Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary and any other officer as may from time to time be determined by the Association.

Section 3

All contested elections shall be by secret ballot.

Section 4

The tellers, appointed by the President, shall be responsible for counting the ballots and announcing the results.


Committees and their Duties

Section 1

Standing Committees:

  1. Nominating Committee – shall be responsible for proposing a slate of officers at the Annual Election. Membership will consist of three members.
  2. Auditing Committee – shall be appointed to review, during the summer months, all of the records and receipts of the Association, and to report accordingly to the membership at the September Meeting.
  3. Membership Committee – shall be responsible for maintaining the membership list, updating the membership literature, and providing a welcome package to each new member.
  4. Christmas Committee – shall be responsible for organizing the Christmas festivities and decorating the village. Membership is not limited.
  5. Fundraising Committee – shall be responsible for holding at least one fundraiser each year which may include a carwash or the “NeponsetRiver Cruise.”The committee will also be responsible for the monthly membership meeting raffle and securing the prizes. Membership shall be no less than three members, not including the Chair.
  6. Service Committee – shall be responsible for ensuring at least one service event, scholarship lottery process and the Good Neighbor/Good Business Award
  7. Zoning and Development Committee – shall be responsible for initial review and evaluation of new development, redevelopment, external renovations, modifications and permit items to be reviewed by appropriate regulatory agencies.It shall make recommendations to the E-Board.Membership is not limited.
  8. Neponset River Parklands Committee -shall be responsible for participating in meetings related to, the river, the establishment and maintenance of the park and bike path.Membership is not limited.
  9. Newsletter Committee – shall be responsible for the preparation, assembly, replication, and distribution of “The CedarLine,” the CGCA monthly newsletter. The newsletter editor shall chair the committee and establish deadlines for the submission of notices and articles pertaining to the business of the association.

Section 2

Any member of the Association who is in good standing may fill open committee slots announced periodically during the year. Not all standing committees needs to function every year.

Section 3

Not all standing committees needs to function every year.

Section 4

Ad-Hoc Committees: Ad-Hoc Committees needed to serve the Association shall be appointed by the President, and serve at the discretion of that Presidents’ term only.


Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1

The business of this Association shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order (Revised); where these rules conflict with the by-laws, CGCA by-laws shall prevail.


Amendments to By-Laws

Section 1

These by-laws may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular meeting.

Section 2

All proposed changes must be submitted in writing and distributed at a previous regular meeting, with prior notification in the monthly newsletter.